about the development
Why is Tiny Tactics so minimalistic? Why only cards? Why no fancy board, coins, figures, etc.?
And why are there currently exactly two sides battling it out?
All that can be traced back to a spontaneous game of Mau Mau at the park, that got too boring too quickly. Thus those cards that were available there at the moment had to suffice for us to imagine our own completely new game. Born was the first ever variant of Tiny Tactics, with considerably less cards and even more considerably less defined rules, but it was there and somewhat playable (if you are as determined to make it work as we were, that is).
Over the next months, many elements changed, from intricate details of how many moves you get on your turn and what these moves even are, to the most obvious ones, like our own cardart replacing our Mau Mau-cards.
But the core stayed the same, all throughout development. Tiny Tactics has always been a 1v1 cardgame about using all the different units and spells with unique abilities and effects better than your opponent to defend your kingdom and take theirs! And even though there were so many additions to the game, all those new units and spells still fit perfectly in any pocket for a nice day at the park, no fancy board, coins or figures needed ;)