Core Principle
Defend your king at defeat the opponent‘s king.
For that you have 11 unit cards (9 different units, 2 doubles) and 4 spell-cards.

Sit opposite one another. Each of you places their king in front
of them, with the undamaged side facing up. Shuffle your unit cards and spell cards seperately and place them
as stacks on the table. Then, both of you draw 4 units from the unit-stack, without the other person seeing your cards.
Place these facing down in an order of your choosing in front of your king. Now there should be both kings with each 4 units in front of them facing each other.
Important: a battlement can only be placed up front (furthest away from its allied king), if right behind it is an arbalester or lancer.
Now you can turn over the lead unit cards. After that, draw your hand, 2 unit cards and 1 spell card from the respective stack. Keep your hand hidden from your opponent.
Decide randomly who begins.
You take turns. Every turn, you can choose to perform either one
or two actions. You may perform the same action twice a turn.
The Cards
All units have 1 or 2 HP (hitpoints). All units can deal 1 DMG (per hit) by attacking.
When a unit attacks another one, the value of DMG of the attacking unit is subtracted from the value of HP of the attacked unit. When the value of HP of a unit drops to 0, it dies. That means: if a unit attacks another unit with 1 HP, the attacked unit dies. If the attacked unit had 2 HP, it would survive with 1 HP left.
All spells have 1 HP. Certain spells deal 1 DMG when being attacked. That‘s called spell damage.
Spell damage affects HP just like attacks do. If a unit with 1 HP attacks such a spell, it takes 1 DMG, its HP drop to 0 and it dies.
Unit Cards

The King has 2 HP and can‘t attack.
When a king loses both HP, the game is over and his side looses.
You can turn the card upside down to indicate when a king has only 1 HP left.
The Knight has 1 HP and deals 1 DMG (damage).
He can attack the card right in front of him (attack).

The prince has 1 HP and deals 1 DMG.
He can attack the card right in front of him (attack).
If he is attacked, the attacking unit also takes 1 DMG (attack).
Hint: If the attacker has a shield-spell applied to them, this gets hit and destroyed, instead of the attacker.